Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ki Hajar Dewantoro

Profil Ki Hajar Dewantoro dalam bahasa Inggris (English Version), semoga bermanfaat.

Ki Hajar Dewantoro

Ki Hajar Dewantoro is one of educational icon in Indonesia because of his big constribution about education in Indonesia.
He was born in Mei 2 1889 as a royal descent in Yogyakarta. His real name is R.M. Suwardi Suryaningrat, but then he change his name became Ki Hajar Dewantoro in order to be closer to people. He studied in STOVIA but before finish his education he stop because a sickness. He then work as a reporter in some newspaper company like Utusan Hindia, Kaum Muda, etc. As a good writer, he can burn Indonesia spirit againist colonialism.

Beside education, Ki Hajar Dewantoro is active in politic too. He joined Budi Utomo as the first national organization, then, together with his 2 colleague, E.F.E Douwes Dekker and Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, they build an organization that fight againist colonialism in Indonesia named Indische Partij. This organization is vehemently opposed colonialism and burn the spirit of Indonesian army.

This organization made the colonial being disturbed and decided to isolated Ki Hajar Dewantoro and his colleague in Dutch. Ki Hajar Dewantoro used this condition to go deep into education and teaching. After went back to Indonesia, he concentrate to fought colonialism with educational side. In July 3 1992 he built "Taman Siswa" in Yogyakarta as a place to give a nationality to the student.
Ki Hajar Dewantoro has a famous word in Indonesia "Ing ngarsa sung tulodho, Ing madya mangun karsa, Tut wuri handayani" mean " in the front give a good example, in the middle give a spirits and in the rear give a power", because f his big constribution in education, his birth is celebrated as an educational day in Indonesia.

On April 26 1959, Ki Hajar Dewantoro died in Yogyakarta and buried in Taman Wijaya Brata.

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